Volleyball is a fast-paced, competitive sport played worldwide, both recreationally and professionally. It involves two teams of six players (indoor) or two players per team (beach volleyball), aiming to score points by hitting a ball over a net and ensuring it lands in the opponent’s court.
The game requires agility, teamwork, and strategic play, making it one of the most exciting and engaging sports. Governed by the Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB), volleyball is played at the Olympics, professional leagues, schools, and community events.
Importance of a Well-Designed Court
A properly designed volleyball court is essential for player safety, optimal gameplay, and adherence to official standards. Key factors such as court dimensions, surface materials, net height, and boundary lines influence the quality of the game.
A well-constructed court minimizes injuries, provides a fair playing field, and enhances overall performance. Whether for professional matches or casual play, maintaining the right court specifications ensures consistency and enjoyment for all players.
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1) Indoor vs. Outdoor Volleyball Courts
Volleyball can be played in various environments, with each type of court offering unique characteristics:
i) Indoor Volleyball Courts
- Typically made of polished hardwood or synthetic flooring.
- Provides controlled conditions with minimal environmental interference.
- Used for professional tournaments, school games, and club leagues.
- Requires proper lighting, ventilation, and safety padding.
ii) Outdoor Volleyball Courts
- Includes beach volleyball (sand courts) and grass volleyball (recreational play).
- Affected by weather conditions such as wind, rain, and sun.
- Beach volleyball courts have smaller dimensions and require loose, deep sand for safe landings.
- Requires additional features like wind barriers, drainage systems, and shade structures.
Both indoor and outdoor courts have their own design considerations, and choosing the right type depends on the level of play, location, and intended use.
2) Volleyball : (FIVB: International Volleyball Federation)
Volleyball is one of the most successful and popular competitive and recreational sports in the world. It is fast, it is exciting and the action is explosive..
i) Field of play
The playing area includes the playing court and the free zone. It shall be rectangular and symmetrical.
The playing court is a rectangle measuring 18 x 9 m, surrounded by a free zone which is a minimum of 3 m wide on all sides
The free playing space is the space above the playing area which is free from any obstructions. The free playing space shall measure a minimum of 7 m in height from the playing surface.
For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the free zone shall measure a minimum of 5 m from the side lines and 8 m from the end lines. The free playing space shall measure a minimum of 12.5 m in height from the playing surface
Playing surface
The surface must be flat, horizontal and uniform. It must not present any danger of injury to the players. It is forbidden to play on rough or slippery surface
For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, only a wooden or synthetic surface is allowed. Any surface must be previously approved by the FIVB
On indoor courts the surface of the playing court must be of a light colour.
For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, white colours are required for the lines. Other colours, different from each other, are required for the playing court and the free zone
On outdoor courts a slope of 5 mm per metre is allowed for drainage. Court lines made of solid materials are forbidden
Lines on the court
All lines are 5 cm wide. They must be of a light colour which is different from the colour of the floor and from any other lines
Two side lines and two end lines mark the playing court. Both side lines and end lines are drawn inside the dimensions of the playing court
The axis of the centre line divides the playing court into two equal courts measuring 9 x 9 m each; however the entire width of the line is considered to belong to both courts equally. This line extends beneath the net from side line to side line.
On each court, an attack line, whose rear edge is drawn 3 m back from the axis of the centre line, marks the front zone.
For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the attack line is extended by the addition of broken lines from the side lines, with five 15 cm short lines 5 cm wide, drawn 20 cm from each other to a total length of 1.75 m.
For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the lighting on the playing area should be 1000 to 1500 lux measured at 1 m above the surface of the playing area.
Net is placed vertically over the centre line. The top of the net is set at the height of 2.43 m for men and 2.24 m for women
Its height is measured from the centre of the playing court. The net height (over the two side lines) must be exactly the same and must not exceed the official height by more than 2 cm.
The net is 1 m wide and 9.50 to 10 metres long (with 25 to 50 cm on each side of the side bands), made of 10 cm square black mesh.
At its top a horizontal band, 7 cm wide, made of two-fold white canvas, is sewn along its full length. Each extreme end of the band has a hole, through which passes a cord, fastening the band to the posts for keeping its top taut.
Within the band, a flexible cable fastens the net to the posts and keeps its top taut.
At the bottom of the net there is another horizontal band, 5cm wide, similar to the top band, through which is threaded a rope. This rope fastens the net to the posts and keeps its lower part taut.
The posts supporting the net are placed at a distance of 0.50-1.00 m outside the side lines. They are 2.55 m high and preferably adjustable.
For all FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the posts supporting the net are placed at a distance of 1 m outside the side lines.
The posts are rounded and smooth, fixed to the ground without wires. There shall be no dangerous or obstructing devices.
An antenna is a flexible rod, 1.80 m long and 10 mm in diameter, made of fibreglass or similar material. It is fastened at the outer edge of each side band and placed on opposite sides of the net.
The top 80 cm of each antenna extends above the net and is marked with 10 cm stripes of contrasting colour, preferably red and white. The antennae are considered as part of the net and laterally delimit the crossing space.
3) Specifications for volleyball court for SAI centres
For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, only a wooden or synthetic surface is allowed. Any surface must be previously approved by the FIVB,
i) Outdoor volleyball court flooring
Volleyball is officially an indoor game, and there are no FIVB guidelines for outdoor floor surface .
SAI Centers may have a mix of all type of court flooring i.e. Natural Grass, Clay, or Synthetic Acrylic at the discretion of the SAI Centre in charge
Synthetic Acrylic flooring is preferred due to long life and it is maintenance free. 8 layers cushioned Synthetic Acrylic color coating over asphaltic or concrete base should be provided, as for long hours of training, cushioned layers reduces fatigue on player’s legs ankles and feet and injury.
Synthetic Acrylic flooring product should be approved by ITF to ensure its quality
ii) Indoor volleyball court flooring
Regional Centres/Academic Institutions : Maple/Teak wood Flooring with the flooring system and manufacturer approved by FIVB
At all other locations provided Synthetic Polyurethane flooring with flooring system and manufacturer approved by FIVB
Note: In all areas which are termite infested only Synthetic Polyurethane flooring with flooring system and manufacturer approved by FIVB shall be provided
Clear height of the Volleyball Indoor hall shall be kept minimum 7 mt as specified by FIVB
Note : For FIVB official competition the clear height required is 12.5 mt
ii) Dimensions
Dimensions/Details as indicated under club/county/Regional in the figure below shall be followed by all Regional Centre /Academic Institution.
At all other locations provide dimensions/details indicated under ‘Recreational’ Dimensions/Details indicated under National/International category shall be provided only if the court is proposed to hold National/International competition with spectator facilities