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Thermal comfort and acoustic comfort are two important aspects of indoor environmental quality that can have a significant impact on the well-being and productivity of building occupants.
- The intent of this criterion is to ensure that occupants of the building are thermally and acoustically comfortable, which would subsequently benefit their health and well-being, and ascertain improved performance.
Maximum Points : 5
1) Appraisal
i) Thermal comfort
Appraisal – 1 (Mandatory for 0 points)
- Demonstrate that the project meets the thermal comfort requirements for all regularly occupied spaces as specified below:
Part 1 : Air-Conditioned Spaces
- Demonstrate that the spaces meet the thermal comfort requirements as per NBC 2016, ASHRAE 55, or the Indian Adaptive Comfort model, ensuring that the maximum number of unmet hours shall not exceed 300.
Part 2 : Non-Air-Conditioned Spaces (With Operable Windows)
Note – Non-air-conditioned spaces: Spaces in which the ventilation system relies on opening and closing of windows in the space to maintain the thermal comfort of the space rather than mechanical systems.
- Alternative 1 – Demonstrate using simulation that all habitable spaces meet the thermal comfort requirements as per NBC 2016, ASHRAE 55, or the Indian Adaptive Comfort model for 90% of the occupied hours for buildings in composite, moderate, hot and dry, and cold climates, and 60% of the occupied hours for buildings in warm and humid climate.
Note – Project team must submit the analysis using TRNSYS, Energy Plus, or CFD modelling to demonstrate thermal comfort compliance.
- Alternative 2 – (A) Demonstrate using at least seven strategies (as listed in Appendix 4A) that the exterior fenestration is designed taking into consideration the window orientation, size, placement, and shading design to facilitate wind flow into the interior spaces. (B) Demonstrate that the optimum size and number of fans are installed in rooms of different sizes in accordance with Appendix 4B, Tables 1 and 2.
Part 3: Mixed-Mode Spaces
Note – Mixed-mode spaces: A hybrid approach to space conditioning that uses a combination of natural ventilation and mechanical systems. These buildings utilize mechanical cooling only when and where it is necessary to supplement the natural ventilation.
- Demonstrate using simulation that all habitable spaces meet the thermal comfort requirements as per NBC 2016, ASHRAE 55, or the Indian Adaptive Comfort model for 90% of the occupied hours for buildings in all climate typologies.
ii) Acoustic comfort
Appraisal – 2 (Optional for 1 points)
Ensure that the outdoor noise levels are measured and adopt at least three of the following strategies, if the average outdoor noise level is above 70 dBA for conditioned buildings with sealed windows and 60 dBA for naturally ventilated and mixed-mode buildings to mitigate its effect on the indoor noise levels as per NBC 2016.
- Interposing buffer zones in building plan
- Protection of habitable spaces by introduction of green belts (greater than 30 m with broadleaved
evergreen trees), public gardens, etc. - In case of multiple buildings in a project, positioning a less vulnerable building closer to the
noise sources than the vulnerable buildings - Shading and screening by providing a solid barrier such as a wall
- Provision of adequate sound insulation in building envelope (walls and roofs)
Note – Strategy is only applicable for conditioned buildings with non-operable windows.
Appraisal – 3 (Optional for 1 point)
- Demonstrate that indoor noise levels are within the acceptable limits as per NBC 2016.
2) Compliance
i) Thermal comfort
Compliance – 1
- Submit drawings (.dwg format) highlighting the area distribution for air conditioned, non airconditioned, and mixed-mode spaces within the project.
ii) Part 1 : Air-Conditioned Spaces
Compliance – 2
- Submit simulation reports (input and output files) to demonstrate that thermal comfort conditions are met for the project.
Compliance – 3
- Submit narrative stating the thermal comfort model being used and the total unmet hours for the project.
Compliance – 4
- Submit SLD of high side and low side HVAC system with set-points for all seasons.
iii) Part 2 : Non-Air-Conditioned Spaces: Alternative 1
Compliance – 5
- Submit simulation reports (input and output files) to demonstrate that thermal comfort conditions are met for the project.
Compliance – 6
- Submit narrative stating the thermal comfort model being used and total unmet hours for the project.
iv) Part 2 : Non-Air-Conditioned Spaces: Alternative 2
Compliance – 5
- Submit detailed narrative of the strategies adopted, and provide supporting calculations for an adequate window design.
Compliance – 6
- Submit drawings (.dwg format) consisting of plans, elevations, sections, interior elevations with door and window schedules supporting the adopted strategies.
Compliance – 7
- Submit floor plans (.dwg format) of all habitable spaces highlighting the ceiling fan layout to demonstrate compliance.
Compliance – 8
- Submit technical specification sheets/brochures of ceiling fans used in the project.
- Submit a valid GRIHA Product Catalogue certificate as applicable for the product.
Compliance – 9
- Submit purchase orders reflecting full quantities of ceiling fans used in the project.
v) Part 3 : Mixed-Mode Spaces
Compliance – 10
- Submit simulation reports (input and output files) to demonstrate that thermal comfort conditions are met for the project highlighting which thermal comfort model is being adopted and the total unmet hours for the project as specified in Appraisal – 1 ( Mandatory for 0 points ).
Compliance – 11
- Submit narrative and HVAC schedule highlighting the duration of conditioned and unconditioned modes, respectively.
vi) Acoustic comfort
Compliance – 12
- Submit a third-party outdoor noise test report highlighting the noise levels observed on-site during both day and night (in case of 24×7 operational building) as per Appraisal – 2 (Optional for 1 points).
Note – The noise audit should be done twice, that is, before commencement of construction activities and post construction on-site.
Compliance – 13
- Submit narrative and photographs highlighting the strategies adopted in the project to mitigate the effect of outdoor noise to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal – 2 (Optional for 1 points).
Compliance – 14
- Submit drawings (.dwg format) supporting the adopted strategies to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal – 2 (Optional for 1 points).
Compliance – 15
- Submit technical specification sheets/brochures of HVAC/other mechanical equipment highlighting corresponding NR values to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal – 3 (Optional for 1 points).
- Submit valid GRIHA Product Catalogue certificate as applicable for the product.
Compliance – 16
- Submit technical specification sheets of noise insulation and/or glazing used in the building for noise reduction, highlighting its NRC/STC/CAC rating or equivalent (as per ASTM International Classification E413, E1414, and E90) to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal – 2 (Optional for 1 points).
- Submit a valid GRIHA Product Catalogue certificate as applicable for the product demonstrating compliance to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal – 2 (Optional for 1 points).
Compliance – 17
- Submit a third-party indoor noise audit report for all habitable spaces demonstrating compliance with Appraisal – 2 (Optional for 1 points).
In general, thermal and acoustic comfort criteria aim to create indoor environments that are comfortable, healthy, and conducive to human well-being and productivity. To achieve this goal, designers and building engineers must carefully consider factors such as insulation, ventilation, lighting, and acoustics in their design and construction decisions.