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The fee calculation for building in Noida depends on various factors such as the type of building, plot size, construction area, and purpose of the building. The fee is usually calculated based on the prevailing circle rates of the area and is subject to change as per government regulations.
It is recommended to consult with the local authorities or a licensed architect or engineer for accurate fee calculation and other necessary approvals before starting the construction.
1) Building permit fee, completion fees, temporary building permit fees
(1) Applicant shall deposit building permit fees as follows
(a) For all type of buildings Rs. 15.00 per square metre covered area on all floors.
(b) For layout plan – Re. 1/- per square metre plot area upto for first 4.0ha and Rs. 0.50 per square metre for balance area.
(2) In case of re-erection of existing building after demolition, permit fees chargeable shall be the same as erection of new buildings.
(3) The permit fee for revised plan of a building which has already been sanctioned, shall be one fourth of the fee chargeable on the fresh plan, subject to the condition that the covered area of the building shall not increase. In case of increased covered area fresh permit fee will be charged.
(4) The area covered in the basement, stilt, podium, services area and all other covered area as the case may be, shall be counted towards the covered area for purpose of calculation of permit fees.
(5) The revalidation fee of a building permit for 5 years shall be 10 per cent of the fresh building permit fee, if the application is made within the period of validity of the building permit. The application is made after the validity period, then the revalidation fee shall be original building permit fee.
(6) In case of construction without applying for building permit a compounding charges at the rate of Rs. 1000/– per square metre of covered area shall be levied, provided all the provisions as per Building Regulations are complied with.
(7) In case of construction without revalidation, a fees of Rs 10 per square metre of covered area shall be levied if all provisions as per byelaws are complied with.
(8) In case of revision in layout plan, permit fees shall be charged @ Rs. 0.50 per sqmtrs. for portion of plot area of which the layout is submitted for sanction or completion.
(9) Malba charges of Rs 10.00 per square metre shall be levied over total covered area for all buildings on the plot up to 2000 sqmtr, Rs 5.00 per sqmtr on plots of 2001 to 10000 sqmtr, and Rs. 2.00 per sqmtr. on plots above 10000 sqmtr.
(10) The applicant shall deposit completion fees as follows:
(a) For all type of buildings Rs 10/- square metre of covered area on all floors.
(b) For layout plan – Rs. 0.5/- per square metre plot area for first 4.0ha acres and Rs. 0.25 per square metre for balance area.
(c) In case even after two objection letters issued by Authority if rectification of all objections is not done then Rs. 500/- shall be levied towards site visit fees for each subsequent visit.
(11) The applicant shall deposit 25 percent of the building permit fees for temporary structures other than labour hutments as per individual use of the structure. For labour hutments fees shall be Rs 0.25 per square metre of covered area. Temprorary structure shall be allowed till completion of the building.
(12) Water, sewer and other service connection charge shall be paid as levied by the Authority
(13) The Authority shall be competent to revise the rate/ amount of fees / charges mentioned in these Regulation.
2) Withdrawal of application
- The applicant may withdraw his application for a building permit at any time prior to the sanction and such withdrawal shall terminate all proceedings with respect to such applications but the fees paid shall in no case be refunded.
3) Scrutiny of the building permit
(a) The Authorized Officer shall verify or cause to be verified the facts given in the application for permit, and enclosures. The title of the land shall also be verified. All documents submitted with the plans should be self attested by the owner and Architect/ Authorised Technical person.
(b) The Authorized Officer shall examine the information listed in regulation for residential buildings on plots (other than Group Housing).
(c) For layout plan, buildings and other temporary structures the Technical Person shall provide the information in regulation and provision of fire safety requirements, public convenience, safety provisions and other relevant laws. The Authorised / Technical Person shall also be responsible for all other provisions as per Building Regulations, Planning and Development Directions, National Building Code, Indian Standard Institution standards and such other provisions as required by the Authority from time to time.
(d) The Owner and Technical Person shall jointly and severely liable and all of them shall submit indemnity bond in favour of the Authority against violation of these Regulations, Planning and Development Directions and provisions of National Building Code.
(e) The Authority, however reserves the right to perform test checks by complete scrutiny of any of the plans submitted for approval.
(f) In case of any violation, the Technical Person shall be black listed under intimation to concerned registration organisation from practicing in the Industrial Development Area for a period of 5 years.
(g) In case owner is found responsible for violation, action may be taken as per provision in lease deed.
4) Sanction or refusal of building permit
(i) After filing of the application for building permit duly certified by the Technical Person as per Appendix-4, the applicant can commence the construction in accordance with the requirements of Zoning Regulations of Development Plan/ Master Plan, these Regulations or Planning, Development Directions and terms of lease deed.
In case any objections are found during scrutiny of the plans, the same shall be got rectified by the applicant and if any violations are found during or after the construction, the owner shall be required to rectify the same to the satisfaction of the Authority within a period of 30 days from the date such violations are intimated to the owner.
In case the owner fails to comply, the Authority shall ensure compliance and the expenditure incurred on doing so shall be recovered from the owner before issue of occupancy certificate.
(ii) If within sixty days of the receipt of the application, refusal or sanction is not granted, the application with its annexures shall be deemed to have been allowed and the permit sanctioned, provided such fact is immediately brought to the notice of the Chief Executive Officer in writing by the applicant within twenty days after the expiry of the period of sixty days but nothing herein shall be construed to authorize any person to do anything in contravention of the Master Plan, lease conditions, these Regulations and Planning and Development Directions issued under Section 8 of the Uttar Pradesh Industrial Area Development Act, 1976.
(iii) In case of refusal
a) The Authorised Officer shall give reasons and quote the relevant provision of the regulations which the plan contravenes, as far as possible in the first instance itself and ensure that no new objections are raised when they are resubmitted after compliance of earlier objections.
b) The Authority shall demolish the unauthorised construction at the expense and cost of the owner/ lessee/sublessee.
In case the owner/ lessee/sublessee fails to pay the above said cost, the same may be recovered from him as arrear of land revenue.
(iv) Once the plans have been scrutinised and objections, if any, have been pointed out, the applicant shall modify the plans to comply with the objections raised and re-submit them.
If the objections remain unremoved for a period of sixty days, the permit shall be refused and the plan shall stand rejected and fee submitted shall be forfeited..
(v) When Allottee submits the application for seeking the occupancy certificate without actually completing the building, inspection shall be done within 30days.
If during the inspection for issue of completion certificate any building is found incomplete the allottee will be penalised 50% of occupancy charges or Rs. 5000/- which ever is more and his/her/their application for occupancy shall be rejected.
On such rejection of application the allottee will be required to apply afresh along with penalty charges and time extension charges if required.
The action against all the concerned Technical person who has prepared the plan will be taken in following steps
(a) First time – Warning to concerned Technical person
(b) Second time – black listed in Authority for one year.
(c) Third time – refer to Council of Architecture/ ITPI/ MIC for cancellation of Registration.
5) Appeal against refusal or sanction with modification of a building permit
- Any applicant aggrieved by an order of refusal of a building permit or its sanction under these regulations or directions, may appeal to the Chairman of the Authority within sixty days from the date of communication of such order.
- Such appeal shall be accompanied by a true copy of the order appealed against, and receipt of appeal fee which shall be 50% of the original plan fee.
- The decision of the Chairman on such appeal shall be final, conclusive and binding.
- The chairman shall provide opportunity of hearing to all concern parties with regard to the disputed map.
- The appeal may be referred after sixty days of communication of such order if within 30 days after the previous period of sixty days he satisfies the chairman that he was prevented by sufficient causes from not filing of appeal and not thereafter
6) Duration of validity of a building permit
(1) A layout plan or building plan permit sanctioned under these regulations shall remain valid for the period of only 5 years. In case part completion has been taken on the plot, then also validity of layout plan or building plan permit shall remain for 5 years. If there is any alteration/ revision in the plan, fresh revised plan permit shall be required.
(2) Validity of a building permit for a temporary structure shall be 5 years. Temporary structures shall be removed immediately after the construction of building is over.
(3) After lapses of validity period the applicant shall be liable to remove all such structures and completion certificate shall not be granted without removal of such structures.
7) Additions or alterations during construction
- If any external additions or alterations from the sanctioned plans are intended to be made, permission of the Chief Executive Officer shall be obtained in writing before the proposed additions / alterations are carried out.
- It shall be incumbent upon the applicant to whom a building permit has been sanctioned to submit amended plans for such additions or alterations.
- The provisions relating to an application for permit shall also apply to such amended plans mutadis mutandis as given in Regulation above (4) – (ii).
8) Cancellation of permit for building activity
- If at any time after the issuance of permit, the Chief Executive Officer is satisfied that such permit was sanctioned in consequence of any material misrepresentation or fraudulent statement contained in the application given or the information furnished, the Chief Executive Officer may, after giving an opportunity to the applicant of being heard, cancel such permit and any work done thereunder shall be deemed to have been done without permit.
- The Technical Person found responsible for the same shall be blacklisted and debarred for 5 years from practicing in the notified area. If the owner is found responsible for violations, action may be taken as per lease deed.
9) Work to be carried out in full accordance of Zoning Regulations, Building Regulations and Directions
- Neither granting of the permit nor the approval of drawings and specifications, nor inspection made by the Authority during such erection shall in any way relieve the owner of such building from full responsibility for carrying out the work in accordance with the requirements of Zoning Regulations of Master Plan, these Regulations and/ or Planning Directions.
- In case any violations are found during construction or after obtaining occupancy certificate the owner shall be required to rectify the same to the satisfaction of the Authority within a period of 30 days from the time such violations are intimated to the owner.
- In case the owner fails to comply, the Authority shall ensure compliance and the expenditure incurred on doing so shall be recovered from the owner before issue of occupancy certificate.
- In case occupancy certificate has already been obtained, such expenditure if not paid within stipulated time, shall be recovered from the owner, as arrears of land revenue.
10) Documents at site
The following documents shall be kept at site during the construction of the building and for such a period thereafter as required by the Authority
(a) A copy of building permit.
(b) Copy of approved drawings.
If the above documents are found missing for two consecutive visits by the Authorized Officer of the Authority a penalty of Rs. 1000/– shall be levied for each such lapse.
In case building permit has not been granted and applicant has applied for building permit then copy of receipt of documents shall be kept (wherever applicable) at site.
11) Notice for issue of occupancy certificate
- Every owner shall have to submit a notice of completion of the building to the Authority regarding completion of work described in the building permit as per Appendix-9 accompanied by the documents as per checklist annexed with Appendix-9.
ia) Occupancy certificate necessary for occupation
- No building erected, re-erected, shall be occupied in whole or part until the issue of occupancy certificate by the Chief Executive Officer in the Form given in Appendix-11.
- Provided that if the Chief Executive Officer fails to issue the occupancy certificate or send any intimation showing his inability to issue such certificate within 90 days of the date of receipt of application for occupancy certificate an intimation to this effect shall have to be sent to the Authority by the owner for occupying the building.
- In case objections are intimated by the Chief Executive Officer or by an authorized officer showing inability to issue occupancy certificate the owner shall take necessary action to remove the objections.
- If the objections remain un-removed for a period of 6 months the application for issue of occupancy certificate shall stand automatically rejected.
- Thereafter the Chief Executive Officer shall take suitable action for removal of unauthorised construction with fee.
- Thereafter, the applicant has to apply afresh with fee for occupancy certificate and in such case time extension shall not be required
ib) Issue of occupancy certificate regarding Multi Storey Buildings
- Without prejudice to the provision of regulation above (11)-(ia), In case of multi storey building the work shall also be subjected to the inspection of the Chief Fire Officer, Uttar Pradesh Fire Service and the occupancy certificate shall be issued by the Chief Executive Officer only after the clearance from the Chief Fire Officer regarding the completion of work from the fire protection point of view.
- Other certificates such as fees, structural safety, water harvesting, etc also have to be submitted along with the completion drawings
ii) Unsafe building
- ‘Unsafe building’ An unsafe building shall be considered to constitute danger to public safety hygiene and sanitation and shall be restored by repair or demolished or dealt with as otherwise directed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority.
iii) Unauthorised development
‘Unauthorised development’ In case of unauthorised development, the Chief Executive Officer or an authorized officer by the Chief Executive Officer shall
(a) Take suitable action which may include demolition of unauthorized works, sealing of premises, prosecution and criminal proceedings against the offenders in pursuance of relevant Acts in force.
(b) Take suitable action against the technical person concerned.
iv) Temporary occupation
- Where the Chief Executive Officer on the certificate of the technical personnel is satisfied that the temporary occupation of a building or any portion thereof before its completion does not adversely affect public welfare may permit temporary occupation in the Form given in Appendix-11A of such building or portion thereof as the case may be, for such period as he deems fit.
It is important to note that the fee calculation process may vary depending on the local authority responsible for the area. Therefore, it is essential to check the local regulations and guidelines before starting the construction to avoid any legal or financial penalties. It is also advisable to engage a professional architect or engineer to ensure compliance with the local building codes and regulations, as well as to obtain necessary permits and clearances.