If you want to know about the energy conservation building Code or about the GRIHA and function or about the green building, please click the link.

Green infrastructure is a term used to describe the network of natural and semi-natural features in urban areas that provide multiple benefits to people and the environment. It includes things like parks, green roofs, street trees, wetlands, and urban forests.

  • The intent of this criterion is to ensure that the site complies with the relevant master plan/local development plans and guidelines.
  • This makes sure that the necessary compliance requirements for the building projects, along with applicable building regulatory requirements are adhered to.
  • Additionally, it emphasizes on enhancing natural biodiversity through preservation and plantation of native vegetation.
  • This criterion further intends to assess proximity to different nodal transport and amenities to manage last mile connectivity as well as reduce dependence on personal motorized vehicles, promote land-use optimization, and improve green cover on site.

Maximum Points: 5

1) Appraisal

Appraisal – 1 (Mandatory for 0 points)

  • Ensure that the site plan is in conformity with the development plan/master plan/UDPFI guidelines.
  • This should comply with the provisions of eco-sensitive zone regulations, coastal zone regulations, heritage areas (identified in the master plan or issued separately as specific guidelines), waterbody zones (in such zones, no construction is permitted in the water-spread and buffer belt of minimum 30 m around the FTL), various hazard-prone area regulations, and others if the site falls under any such area.
  • Further, any other relevant legal approval pertaining to the project for clearance from the necessary government authority has to be compliant (Refer to Appendix – A).

Appraisal – 2 ( Optional for 2 points )

  • Ensure that the average distance of basic public amenities / services as per the building typology (Defined in Appendix 1B, Tables 1 and 2) from the main entrance of the project, is less than the GRIHA base case as per Table Given below.
  • Radial distances are not acceptable, walking distance has to be calculated.
  • The GRIHA base case has been defined in the online calculator.

Appraisal – 3 (Mandatory for 0 point)

Demonstrate that the project team implements tree preservation measures as per the alternatives mentioned below:

  1. Alternative 1: Ensure that no existing mature tree on-site is cut.
  2. Alternative 2: Transplant existing mature trees (if required) within the site and ensure that they survive.
  3. Alternative 3: Plant three trees for every one tree cut of the same native/naturalized species.
  4. Alternative 4: Adopt any combination of the previously mentioned alternatives.

Applicability Check: If there are no existing mature trees on-site, the project is exempted from Appraisal – 3 (Mandatory for 0 point)

To exempt the project from Appraisal-3 (Mandatory for 0 point), please submit the following:

  • Site survey plan along with Google Earth images of the site over a span of the last 10 years.

Appraisal – 4 (Optional for 1 point)

  • Ensure that a minimum of one tree for every 80 m2 of land/site area (within GRIHA project boundary) is planted and maintained in order to increase vegetation on-site.
  • Additionally, the existing mature trees within the site premises should be considered to meet the appraisal requirements.

Note – Only native/naturalized species should be planted. Additionally, potted plants cannot be used to show compliance with Appraisal – 4 (Optional for 1 point)

Appraisal – 5 (Optional for 1 point)

  • Ensure that per-capita built-up area threshold is maintained as prescribed in Table (Given below) for optimum land utilization.

Note – Built-up area includes all circulation areas, service areas, toilets, etc., but excludes basement and parking areas within the site premises.

Appraisal – 6 (Optional for 1 point)

Adopt any one measure from the list, as given below, to promote sustainable transportation within the site premises.

  1. Provide at least four designated number of parking spaces for informal modes of transport within the site premises.
  2. Provide NMT vehicle with at least 10% of the total parking space designated to them onsite along with charging facility. Additionally, provide designated vehicular tracks for NMT
  3. Provide bicycle users with at least 10% of the total parking space designated to them along with changing rooms, showers, lockers within the site premises.

Note – Designated vehicular tracks for NMT vehicles are required only for sites with an area > 50,000 m2.

2) Compliance

Compliance – 1

  • Submit all relevant approvals, sanctions, clearances to demonstrate conformity to local development plans/master plan to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal – 1 (Mandatory for 0 points).

Note – Refer to Appendix 1A for the list of necessary approvals / sanctions as applicable for the project to be submitted to demonstrate compliance. Please note, the list is indicative and is not exhaustive.

Compliance – 2

  • Submit Google Maps images highlighting the walking distances to each amenity from the main entrance of the project along with date-stamped photographs indicating basic services / amenities as marked in the Google Maps images to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal – 2 (Optional for 2 points).

Compliance – 3

  • Submit a site survey plan (.dwg format) with legends mentioning species and highlighting (in different colour coding / layer) the existing trees that have been transplanted, cut and/or preserved/ protected to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal – 3 (Mandatory for 0 point) and Appraisal – 4 (Optional for 1 point).

Compliance – 4

  • Submit a landscape plan (.dwg format) with legends mentioning species and highlighting (in different colour coding / layer) new plantation to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal – 3 (Mandatory for 0 point) and Appraisal – 4 (Optional for 1 point).

Compliance – 5

  • Submit occupancy calculations to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal – 5 (Optional for 1 point).

Compliance – 6

  • In case of informal mode of transport, submit a site plan (.dwg format) highlighting the location of designated parking spaces provided within the site premises.

Compliance – 7

  • In case of NMT vehicles, submit a site plan (.dwg format) highlighting the location of designated parking spaces provided; charging points, and demarcate dedicated vehicular tracks for NMT onsite.
  • Also, submit the calculation for percentage of parking space designated for NMT on-site.

Compliance – 8

  • In case bicycle usage is promoted on-site, submit the building floor plans (.dwg format) highlighting changing spaces, showers, lockers for bicycle users within the project premises. Also, submit a site plan (.dwg format) highlighting the location of designated parking spaces provided for the bicycle users.

These criteria are not exhaustive, and the specific criteria for green infrastructure will depend on the context, goals, and resources available.

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