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Vastu is an ancient Indian tradition that deals with the architecture and design of buildings and structures. It is considered to be a science of living in harmony with the natural elements and energies present in the environment. According to Vastu, the internal planning of a house can have a significant impact on the health, wealth, and happiness of the occupants.

Vastu shastra is a traditional Indian system of architecture originating in India which literally translates to “science of architecture.”

  • The element of design are the fundamental building blocks of any composition.
  • These pieces work together to form a unified composition and when utilized successfully, create a strong, dynamic visual layout.
  • The designer uses these elements as tools that control how a message is delivered to an audience.

1) Kitchen

  • The presiding deity of South-East is Agni, the God of fire. Therefore, the sages laid down the rule that kitchen should be on the South-East.
  • According to Hygienic Science the sunrays indirectly help leaf vegetables which contain the ingredients necessary for food. Proteins and nourishing qualities.
  • The “Purusha Sukla” says that the people should cook food containing carbohydrates well in required proportions, offer it to the god of fire first and then eat.
  • Whatever it may be, cooking food is a ’yagna’ (sacrifice). So, to avoid any danger, kitchen should be built on the South-East side.

Important points

  • Kitchen should not be placed under or above pooja room Toilet or Bedroom.
  • The kitchen should be in the southeast corner of the main building or flat.
  • The main kitchen platform should be in the east and the south-east corner.
  • Stove or gas burner should be in the south-east corner, a few inches away from the wall.
  • Adjacent to the kitchen platform, another ‘L’ shaped platform, near the south wall for keeping micro-oven, mixer, grinder etc. will be very useful.
  • The washbasin (sink) of the platform should be in the north-east corner as far as possible. Pitcher of water and utensils for drinking water should be in the northeast or the north side.
  • Essential commodities like boxes of grain, spices, pulses etc. should be in the south or the west direction.
  • The entrance door of the kitchen should not be in any of the corners. Kitchen doors in the east, the north and the west are useful.
  • The gas burner should not be in front of the main door of the kitchen.
  • There should be one or two windows or air holes in the east and the west direction of the kitchen. An exhaust fan in this gap is useful.
  • If there is a dining table in the kitchen, it should be in north-west or the west side.
  • Light weight articles can be kept in the east or the north.
  • Mezzanine floor in the kitchen should be in the west or the south.
  • While cooking, the face should be towards the east.
  • The colour of the floor and the walls of the kitchen should be yellow, orange, rose, chocolate or red. However, it should not be black as far as possible.
  • If a freeze is in the kitchen, it should be in the south-east, the south, the west or the north direction. It should not be in the north-east direction. If it is in the south-west direction it should be a feet away from the corner otherwise it always gets out of order.
  • If the kitchen is in the north-east direction mental tension increases and one may suffer great losses.
  • If the kitchen is in the south-west direction, life at home becomes difficult because of clashes.
  • If the kitchen is in the north-west direction, the expenditure increases.
  • A kitchen in the north is most dangerous. This being Kubera’s place the expenditure increases like anything beyond expectations.
  • The kitchen in night should be well cleaned and used utensils should be cleaned before sleeping.
  • Give sacred offering to fire of the first thing you prepare in it. It will ensure peace & prosperity in the house.

Room for churning curds

  • Our ancestors used to churn curds with a churnning implement and separate butter from it.
  • They used to tie the churning rod to a pole with a rope and churn curds tying another rope to the churnning rod.
  • This was done on the East at South-East corner, because East is near to South-East.
  • Influence of fire is seen much in the South-East.
  • The effect of Bacteria also is very much less here.
  • Another reason for having the room for churnning on the South-East is that it is very near to the kitchen.

Place to keep oils and ghee

  • In olden days people used to have a grinding machine to squeeze oil in the South leaving the South East.
  • By this, it was convenient for cooks to reach oil etc., easily.
  • But now a days it is not necessary to have a grinding machine, as there are Mixes and grinding machines run by electric current.
  • They may be put in the South.

2) Dining room

For taking food, the central part on the West is a useful one. Whatever one eats it is digested very easily.


Important Points

  • Dining Room in west is the best. In the North or East, it is the second best.
  • While eating the main person of the family should face the east while the other members may face the east, north or west; but they should not face south because it will cause small disputes.
  • In Dining room the doors should be in the East, West or North.
  • The shape of Dining Table should not be round, oval shaped hexagonal or irregular shaped. It should be square or rectangular.
  • The Dining Table should not touch the wall or it should not be in folding against the wall.
  • Water should be in northeast of the Dining Room.
  • Wash basin should not be in the southeast or north-west; it should be on the north or east sides.
  • There should be no attached toilet to the Dining Room but place for washing clothes and utensils can be provided.
  • The main door of the house and of the Dining Room should not face each other.  

3) Puja Ghar (room for worship)

  • At the sunrise the rays of the sun fall on the N.E. side of any place. So, it was decided that the room for worship should be on the N.E.
  • If any type of building is raised on the N.E, the owner of the house will have mental worry and becomes dull. So, the N.E. corner should be kept separate only to install God’s idol and worship it.
  • It is also advised to plant a Basil plant (TULSI) and worship it regularly except sunday.

Important Points

  • The Puja-Ghar in the building should be in the east, the north or the north-east corner.
  • Puja room should not be in the south direction.
  • Puja-Ghar should not be in the bedroom.
  • The idols should be in the east and the west of the Puja-Ghar. The faces of the idols should not be in the south.
  • Pujaghar should not be above, below or next to the toilet/kitchen.
  • White or light-yellow marble work in the worship room is auspicious. The colour of the walls of the worship room should be white, light yellow or light blue.
  • The worship room should have doors and windows in the north or the east.
  • Lamp stand should be in the south-east or east corner of the worship room.
  • If the worship room is of the shape of a pyramid (slope on all the four sides of the roof) it is auspicious.
  • Women should not enter the worship room during the menses period.
  • The Agnikund should be in the south-east direction of the worship room. The sacred offerings to the fire should be made with the face towards the east.
  • The showcases and Almirah in the Pujaghar should be towards the western or the southern wall.
  • Scenes from the Mahabharat, photographs of birds and animals should not be in the Pujaghar.
  • The idol should not be exactly in front of the entrance gate.
  • The Pujaghar should preferably have a threshold.
  • The idols in the worship room should not be in a desecrated form.
  • The idols should not be kept at a place obtained by chiselling off the wall or touching the wall. They should be kept at least an inch away from the wall.
  • Pooja room should be avoided in a store.
  • The worship room should have a two shuttered wooden door. It should not be made of the Gum Arabic tree or any inferior quality of wood. In the upper half of the worship room there should be space for ventilation, or it can be made of glass. Proper ventilation should be there.

4) Living room or drawing room


Important Points

  • Living room should be in the East (leaving the southeast corner) or in the north. However, it is more beneficial in the north.
  • The slope of the flooring of the living room should be in the east or in the north.
  • The door of the living room should not be in the southeast or the south-west direction. The eastern and the western doors are very auspicious for the living room.
  • The internal furniture, show cases and other heavy articles should be in the west or in the south direction.
  • The sitting arrangement of the head of the family should be facing the east or in the north direction.
  • As far as possible TV should not be in the north-east or the south-west corner. It should be in the south-east corner. If it is in the north-west corner a lot of precious time is lost. If the T.V. is in the south-west corner frequent breakdowns are expected.
  • The telephone should not be in the south-west or the north-west corners. It should be in the east or in the south-east or in the north.
  • The Indian style sitting arrangement should be in the east, the west or the north.
  • It is better if the portraits of the God or waterfalls are hung in the north-east corner. Stuffed animals should be in the north-west corner.
  • The colour of the walls and the tiles used in this room should be white, yellow, blue or green. As far as possible it should not be red or black.
  • Portraits of angry birds, animals, women, weeping children, scenes from the wars etc. should not be displayed in the room.
  • Furniture of this room should not be circular, triangular, egg shaped, hexagonal or odd shapes. It should be square or rectangular.
  • Due to paucity of land, if the furniture is to be kept in the east or in the north direction, it should not be in the direct contact with the flooring. It should be light and hollow and placed on base 1 to 3 inches above the floor.
  • The ceiling of this room if slanting towards the east or the north, is good.
  • The cooler should be in the west/north-west/east and not in the southeast direction.
  • In the modern architecture the height of the living room is more up to double than that of the other rooms. There is no harm in doing so. However, the staircase should be in the south, the west or the south-west corner of the room.

5) Bedroom

  • Ancient sages suggested that the place attached to the room which is towards the N.W. on the North is good to be used as a Bedroom.
  • It is good to lie down on bed keeping one’s head on the West side, because the sun rises in the East, the presiding deity of which is Indira, the Lord of devatas (Gods).
  • After rising from bed in the morning, if one offers one’s salutations, turning towards the East, it amounts to offering salutations to all the Gods.
  • It is also recommended that one may sleep on one’s bed putting the head towards the South and look towards the North.
  • The presiding deity is Kubera, the Lord of Wealth. So, it goes without saying that one is worshipping Kubera by living on bed facing North.
  • If one sleeps putting the head on the East and looking towards the West, one offers salutations to Varuna, the presiding deity of the West.
  • The salutations benefit very much one’s philosophical thinking, belief and practice.
  • But, under any circumstances one should not sleep putting his head towards the North and looking towards the South, because the presiding deity of the South is Yama.
  • Only the corpse of a person is laid on pyre, putting the head towards the North, facing the South.
  • If one sleeps, for any unknown reason, putting the head towards the North and facing the South, one will have nightmares and sleepless nights.
  • Today, Health Science reiterates that a man needs adequate sleep to keep himself fit and healthy. So one has to pay heed to the rules enumerated above.

Important Points

  • If the plot is big and spacious, leaving the northwest part of the north side and adjacent to the living room the bed room should be located.
  • In the northern bedroom the morning sun rays are available to some extent.
  • If in the north side bedroom, you sleep with your head towards the east or the south, you can enjoy a sound sleep.
  • A west side bedroom is the best for children. An eastern bedroom can also be used for unmarried children or for guests.
  • If the bedroom is in the south-east direction of the main building, it results in unnecessary quarrels between the husband and the wife. Wasteful expenditure increases and one has face one kind of trouble or the other. It can be used as office or for bedroom of a unmarried son.
  • The north-east is the direction of the deities therefore, no bedroom should be in this direction. Otherwise, one has to face many calamities, sickness increases. If a married couple sleeps in N/E room, they have to face long lasting diseases.
  • Nobody’s bedroom should be exactly in the middle of the building.
  • The colour of walls should be light rose, gray, blue, chocolate, green etc. Marble stones (white and yellow coloured) should not be used in the newly married couple’s bedroom.
  • In the main south-west corner of the south-west side, bed room, heavy articles should be kept. The bed in this room should be to the south or the west of the south-west corner of this room.
  • Sleeping with legs towards the east gives name, fame & prosperity. Sleeping with legs towards the west gives mental peace & increases a liking for spiritualism. Sleeping with legs towards the north, increases wealth and prosperity. However, if you sleep with legs towards the south, you will not have a sound sleep. There are dreams, bad thoughts crop up in the mind. Heaviness in the chest is felt sometimes. The south is known as the Yamasthan (Place of Yama). Dead body’s legs are kept towards the south. Mental sickness increases and there is a likelihood of reduction in the life span.
  • Some buildings do not get proper & exact east-west and north-south directions in their building. They get the East-West and North-South in corner or not parallel to the plot. However, in bedrooms of such buildings, for getting the proper direction, one should not put his bed in an oblique position S-W, S-E. They should place bed properly in that zone.
  • The dressing table in the bed room should be to the east of the north direction. The reading and writing work should be done in the west of the bedroom. It can also be done in the east. While reading one should face East.
  • Television, heater and electrical appliances should be in the south-east corner of the bedroom. The wardrobe should be in the north-west or the south-west of the room.
  • The door of the bedroom should be of one shutter as far as possible. It should be in the east, the west or the north. There is no harm in having small windows in the east and the north. Almirahs, showcases etc. should be in the south or the west walls. A mezzanine on this side is tolerable.
  • The south-west, west corner should never be kept vacant.
  • If bathroom, tub bath, toilet, change room etc. are to be attached to the bedroom, they should be in the west or the north side. As far as possible, the safe should not be in the bedroom.
  • If it is, it should be placed in a way leaving the south-east, the north-east, the south-west and the north-west corners as well as the east and the north directions. If the safe is kept in the south and opens in the north, it is very auspicious. But safe should not be kept towards the north in any room because it opens towards the south, leading to unnecessary expenditure and loss of wealth.
  • Keeping mirror in bedroom specially in newly married couple can cause differences among the couple. T.V. & computer should be better to avoided in the bedroom.
  • If still mirror is required it should be on North, East or N/E wall, placed so that no part of your body will reflect in the mirror while sleeping otherwise same part must have some problem.
  • Install a Bagua outside your bedroom door to protect it from negative energy.

6) Toilets

  • This is to be built on the South.
  • Now a days, the owner of the house may build the toilet attached to his bathroom.
  • It may be constructed on the West also, but not in the S.W/N.E. under any circumstances.

Important Points

  1. The W/C should not be provided above or under Pooja room, fire and bed place.
  2. The facing of W/C be preferably on N/S axis.
  3. The toilets in the building should never be in the centre, the north-east, and the south-west corners.
  4. The toilets should be constructed to the west of the building or the north-west side of the north or the south directions, leaving the south-east and the south-west corner. But septic tank should not be in the south.
  5. The pot in the toilet should be in the west, the south or the north-west side of the west.
  6. The construction of the toilet should be such that the persons sitting there have their faces towards the north or the west.
  7. The toilet should be one or two feet higher than the ground level. The door of the toilet should be in the east or the north direction as far as possible.
  8. The water storage or the taps in the toilet should be in the east, the north or the north-east corner. It should never be in the south-east or the south-west direction.
  9. The slope of the flooring of the toilet and the outlet should be in the east or the north.
  10. The colour of walls of the toilet can be according to ones own choice with light colours.
  11. In the toilet, there should be a small window, in the East, the West or the north.


  1. It is an established truth that water flow on the North, North-East and East sides. So, our ancestors used to construct Bathroom on the East.
  2. Soon after taking bath in the morning, people used to pray to the Sun offering ‘Arghya’ (water offered chanting Mantras).
  3. Hence, even today, it is advised to construct bathroom on the East side only in the house or on the open place.
  4. This satisfies the rules given in the ‘VAASTU SHASTRA’.

7) Septic tank

  • SEPTIC Tank should not be in the south-east, the north-east or the south-west corner under any condition.
  • If the north side is divided into nine equal parts, it should be in the third part from the north-west direction.
  • SEPTIC tank should not be directly touching the compound wall or the plinth of the house. It should be at least 1 or 2 ft. away.
  • Due to paucity of space, septic tank can be built in the north corner of the west side but 1 or 2 ft. away from the compound wall.
  • The length of septic tank should be east-west and the breadth should be south-north as far as possible.
  • Septic tank should not be higher than the plinth level of the building. It should be at the ground level as far as possible.
  • The outlet of the septic tank should be in the north or the west.

Effect of septic tank


8) Drainage pipe line

  • The pipelines of the bathroom and the kitchen should have an outlet in the east or the north direction.
  • Outlet should not be in the south under any condition even by mistake. If at all it is, in the south it should be turned to the east or the north direction.
  • The pipes of the toilets and bathrooms should be diverted to the west or the north-west and then the outlets should be given.
  • Drainage pipes coming from upper floors should not be in the south-west corner.

9) Verandah

  • No corner of the Verandah should be cut off or rounded off.
  • Verandah should be on the East or North side.
  • The height of the Verandah should be slightly less than the floor level of the entire house.
  • The Verandah should never be in the South and West. If so, in the evening or night family should not gossip there nor should talk loudly. If may cause reduction of the family.
  • The height of the Verandah should be slightly less than the height of the entire house.

10) Study Room

  • In olden days it was considered good that the place on the West towards S.W. is the best one for studies.
  • The reason is the planets mercury, Jupiter, the Moon and Venus influence the place as mentioned below.
  1. Jupiter – Accelerates desire to study and curiosity to learn.
  2. Mercury – Develops intelligence.
  3. The Moon – Lays strength on the nerves of the brain.
  4. Venus – Functions like a coordinator and makes the man efficient.
  • Therefore, the study-room must be in the west and one should sit facing N.E., East or North.
  • The “VAASTU SHASTRA” lays stress on the point that if one sits for studies as per the directions given above, one becomes quite an expert and enlightened.

Important Points

  • While studying one should face the East or North.
  • The windows in the Study Room should be in the East, West or North wall.
  • The racks for books should not be in the South-West or North-West corners. If they are in North-West corner, books will be stolen and if in South-West they will not be much in use. So, in a small cupboard in the East and North the books should be kept.
  • Except the South-West and North-West a study room in the West is the best.
  • The Study Room doors should be in the North-East, North, East, West & avoiding South-East, North-West and South-West corners.

11) Strong room

  • In the Strong room doors in the South-East, South-West, North-West and South should be avoided.
  • The cash almirah should not be kept on a solid platform. It should solidly stand on a levelled floor.
  • There should be only one door to the Strong Room of two shutters.
  • The North being of ‘Kuber’ the Strong Room is advisable to be in the North.
  • In the Strong Room doors on the East or North walls are very favorable. The cash almirah should not be kept in front of the North door, but it should be shifted away from facing the door.
  • In the cash almirah, costly articles, gold, Silver and jewelry etc. should be kept on the West or South side.
  • If cash almirah is kept in the North-East, there will be loss of cash.
  • The cash almirah should be placed on its legs.
  • In the Strong Room leaving (1”) space on the South wall and avoiding the South-East and South-West corners, if the back of the ‘Tijori’ (Cash almirah) is kept towards South wall while opening the almirah, it faces the North; it is the best position.
  • A small window should be provided in the East and North wall at a higher place.

12) Labour room

  • In olden days adequate arrangement were made in the living house only for the delivery of pregnant ladies.
  • But , now a days Health Science has developed by leaps and bounds and health centres have been opened.
  • According to the prevailing conditions, the labour room used to be constructed on the East of the house.
  • The only reason for this was that the sun rays which give health at down were falling on both the mother and her issue. So, a temporary labour room was constructed on the East.
  • Even now, it was proved to be correct, doubtless, as per the Geographical as well as health conditions.
  • Doctors, now a days, are constructing labour room on the East only, leaving a little space on N.E. in their Nursing Homes.
  • It is in conformity with the rules laid down in the ‘VAASTU SHASTRA’

13) Lounge

  • This should be in the middle on the South side so that the members of a family may take rest after lunch. But sages did not recommend to sleep, in lounge in nights.

14) Room for keeping weapons and heavy lumber

  • These things must be kept in the room built in the S.W. corner. 
  • Heavy things and lumber must be dumped on the S.W. because the more the load the better.
  • If the staircase leading to upstairs is built on the S.W. good results may be expected.

15) Room for expressing condolences and sympathy

  • For this purpose, best place is the Western portion attached to the N.W.
  • The reason for this is the influence of the planets i.e., the Saturn, the Moon and Ketu. In addition to mourning that is the most suitable place to take a quick decision.
  • When time is short and an immediate decision is to be taken, if one ponders here over any problem, he gets the solution in no time.

16) Place to keep tame animals, cattle and birds

  • The N.W. of a plot is the best side to keep the above said living beings. Granary also must be on the same side.
  • If the N. W. increases or decreases, it affects the health of cattle.
  • If one sleeps putting the head on the East and looking towards the West, one offers salutations to Varuna, the presiding deity of the West.
  • The salutations benefit very much one’s philosophical thinking, belief and practice.
  • But, under any circumstances one should not sleep putting his head towards the North and looking towards the South, because the presiding deity of the South is Yama.
  • Only the corpse of a person is laid on pyre, putting the head towards the North, facing the South. If one sleeps, for any unknown reason, putting the head towards the North and facing the South, one will have nightmares and sleepless nights.
  • Today, Health Science reiterates that a man needs adequate sleep to keep himself fit and healthy. So, one has to pay heed to the rules enumerated above.

17) Place for keeping valuable things

  • The best place for keeping valuable things and property is the central portion on the North.
  • The presiding deity of the North is Kubera. So, the North is the best side to keep safely most valuable things and property.

18) Place for keeping medicines

  • Our ancestors suggested that medicines should be kept in the N.E., because the sunrays which have nourishing quality required for human health, fall at dawn, on the medicine and make them powerful to help human beings become hale and healthy.
  • Today’s Health-Science also agrees to this suggestion.
  • Keeping in view the economic condition of the people of today in our country, the 16 rooms shown in the plan given at the beginning of this Chapter have been condensed and adjusted into only 8 rooms as shown below so that a person might live in right rooms most comfortably, as he lives in house containing 16 rooms.

19) Basement / cellar

  • A sick person should not reside in Basement. He will not be cured.
  • If business is carried out in Basement, only invoices can be made there but cash counter must be on ground floor and not in the Basement.
  • In Western countries big mirrors are used to reflect the sun rays into the basement. It helps to some extent.
  • The Basement blocks the solar rays and thus deprives the benefits of solar rays. Hence it is advisable not to have basement.
  • The Basement should not be in the South or West alone.
  • East and North Basement are good. If only in the North-East Borewell or water facilities are provided it will be very auspicious and will bring a lot of property. Keeping heavy items in the South-West if one sits facing the North it is very good for business. If business is in the North-West a big ventilation should be provided in the North.
  • Any basement should have doors and windows in the North and the East. The business in the North-West will be good but there will be laziness and sudden loss in business and theft may.
  • A hotel in the Southeast of the Basement will be successful if the kitchen is arranged as per rules of the Vastu Shastra.
  • The lower most part of Basement under a temple is full of magnetic power and other powers created by Saints who worshipped there.
  • No basement should have height of less than nine.
  • The place at Basement is good only for Godowns. If in the South-West corner a well or borewell or underground water storage is made it will be most dangerous. The head of the family may have accidental death or suicidal cases may occur.
  • If 1/4th of the basement is above the plot level and if the morning sun rays enter the basement from 7 am. To 10 am. it is O.K.

20) First floor

  • The height of the roof of the First Floor should not be more than that of the Ground floor
  • There should never be a balcony on the First Floor in the South-West corner. It may be away from this corner. Provided it is not round or of irregular shape.
  • Rainwater on the First Floor should have an exit in the North, East or North-East.
  • In the case of only First Floor it should be constructed in the South-West side and only terrace should be left in the North & East. This does not apply to a Multi-storeyed building. Balconies should be in the North & East.
  • The slope of the flooring of the First Floor should be towards the North and East.
  • Doors and Windows on the first floor should be on the East and North side. A big window in the Northwest is good.
  • On the First-floor bedroom or Study room of the head of the family should be provided.

21) Staircase

  • In a house-steps should be in the South, West or South-West. Never on the North-East side.
  • Never keep cash almirah below steps.
  • The first step of the stairs should not be round.
  • The steps should never start or end from the Pooja Room, Strong room, Storeroom, or Kitchen.
  • For shortage of space and open space, steps can be constructed in the South-East or North-West. It may affect the health of children slightly.
  • If possible circular steps should be avoided.
  • There should be roof with slope on the East or North on the top of the steps.
  • The room, where the steps of the South-West end, should not be occupied by anyone. If so, he will become sick, will have breathing problem; blood circulation will become slow and will suffer from a disease for which medicine will be difficult to avail of.
  • The steps for going to upper floors and going to a cellar should not be the same.
  • If steps are in the North-East, there will be financial losses, and business losses. The head of the family will be in debts.
  • The steps should be such that one should climb towards the West or South and while descending one should descend towards the East or North.
  • Preferably while climbing up the steps, they should be clockwise.
  • The steps should never be in the Centre of the house.

22) Garden

  • Your garden must be planted with same attention you pay to the inside of the building, if it is to contribute to the balance and harmony of your home.
  • Observing the rules of Vaastu in designing your garden will enable you to balance the positive and negative energies of your property.
  • This is because buildings, with their wood, concrete, steel, bricks and other solid construction material are negative, while earth, plant, flowers and pond are positive.
  • The plant in the garden should be evergreen so that it will provide uninterrupted protection.
  • They should be healthy and green if this is not, they can attract negative energy with their sickly nature.
  • Fountain with flowing water, create and abundance good positive energy.
  • The movement of water attracts energy, the flow of water symbolizes cash flow and does much to encourage prosperity.
  • Pools and ponds are excellent for positive energy especially if they contain large healthy fishes.
  • Gold or silver fish representing gold and silver coins are important prosperity symbols.
  • If you have a pool or a pond it should curve towards your building so that the water appears to embrace it.
  • In this position the water will protect that building.
  • If it curves, away, the water will fall and unlucky arrow with negative energy will point to your direction.
  • Mix, shapes and sizes of plants in your garden so that no one tree, or plant is grouping over the other. This is an element of balance.
  • Paths should curve gently through your garden for a natural movement of energy. But they should never be twisted or spiral as these shapes suggest snakes in any garden.
  • A densely planted garden flowers will be less interesting to the eye than one with few interesting plants.
  • Above all your garden should look as natural as possible. Good plants keeping the light closed for e the house is very important than its overall appearance.
  • By attracting and helping to circulate good positive energy, a pleasant exterior to your home will be an important element in the overall quality of your home positive energy.
  • The forces that play a role in shaping our life are first comes destiny, 2nd is luck, 3rd is Vaastu principles 4th is philanthropy & 5th is education.
  • By putting Vaastu Principles to work in your home, you will be assisting your family in achieving financial, academic, or relationship.
  • Using the principles of Vaastu you will make your home a welcome place for guests and first step towards philanthropy will pay off.

It’s important to note that these are general guidelines and the specific Vastu requirements for a particular house may vary based on several factors such as the location, shape, and size of the house, among others.

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