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Energy optimization refers to the process of reducing the amount of energy used by a system or process, while still maintaining or improving its performance. This can involve implementing changes to equipment, processes, and behavior to reduce energy consumption, as well as incorporating energy-efficient technologies and materials.

The goal of energy optimization is to reduce the costs associated with energy use, improve the sustainability of energy systems, and reduce the overall impact on the environment.

  • India’s building energy use accounts for 33% of the nation’s energy use, and is growing by 8% annually.

Note – Climate Works Foundation. 2010. Annual Report. San Francisco: Climate Works Foundation.

  • The largest floor-space growth is in the commercial (office, hospitality, retail, hospitals) and residential sectors. Given the explosive growth in floor-space, and increased intensity of energy use and service-level requirements in the commercial sector, India must address efficiency concerns in the energy sector too.

Note – CBERD. 2018. Details available online at https://cberd.or /building energy use, last on accessed November 14,2019.

  • India might have ambitious climate change targets but being the third largest emitter of carbon dioxide and in the early stages of economic development, it is poised on the threshold of a staggering increase in emissions in the coming years, if the current projections for economic growth hold true.

Note – Charles, Frank. 2016. India: Potential for Even Greater Emissions Reductions. New Delhi: Brookings Institution.

  • Lighting and airconditioning systems consume a significant percentage of energy required by buildings in operation.
  • The section focuses on incentivizing a reduction in energy demand through the three major aspects for energy efficiency in a building: use of passive building design, use of energy-efficient equipment, and integration of renewable energy technologies.
  • Renewable energy is available perpetually from the environment and can be extracted from sources such as the sun and wind, or from thermal energy stored underground in the case of buildings. Systems that capture heat (such as solar water heating systems and passive heating), convert solar energy to electricity (such as the solar photovoltaic panels), and make use of wind to convert kinetic energy to electricity in the form of micro windmills, are largely adopted in the case of buildings.
  • The concept of using renewable energy not only promotes the use of green power but also largely encourages offsetting the dependency of the project on conventional sources of fuel such as coal, diesel, etc.
  • Another threat is the release of synthetic chemicals into the air from refrigerants; emissions from insulation can persist in the environment for decades without immediate visible impacts.
  • Depletion of the ozone layer by such man-made activities has played a major role in causing a spurt in the occurrence of malignant skin ailments besides respiratory and cardiac disorders.
  • These chemicals can also trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute towards rising global temperatures, thus causing global warming.
  • There are numerous alternatives to these chemicals; hence, this section also encourages the shift to materials with lower ODP and GWP values.
  • This section consists of three criteria as mentioned in Table ( Given below ).

Energy optimization criterion seven

Renewable energy utilization criterion eight

Low ODP and GWP materials criterion nine

Overall, energy optimization is an important strategy for reducing energy consumption and improving the sustainability and efficiency of energy systems.

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