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Renewable energy utilization refers to the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biogenic energy sources, to produce electricity, heat, or other forms of energy. The goal of renewable energy utilization is to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- The intent of this criterion is to promote the use of renewable energy in the projects and, thereby, reduce the project’s dependency on fuels derived from conventional sources.
Maximum Points : 5
1) Appraisal
Alternative – 1
- On-site and off-site renewable energy system
Note – All renewable energy systems recognized by the MNRE can be accepted under this criterion post submission of relevant calculations, simulations, and other supporting documents.
Appraisal – 1
- Ensure installation of on-site and off-site renewable energy system to offset a part of the annual energy consumption of internal artificial lighting, HVAC, and domestic hot water systems as mentioned in Table (Given below).
Alternative – 2
- Off-site renewable energy system
Note : This alternative can only be attempted by non-residential buildings.
Appraisal – 2 (Mandatory + 5 Points)
- Demonstrate that 100% of the annual energy consumption of internal artificial lighting, HVAC, and domestic hot water systems is offset through off-site renewable energy systems.
2) Compliance
Compliance – 1
- Submit calculations indicating the energy required for heating water for domestic purposes as per Appendix 3C.
Compliance – 2
- Submit calculations and simulations for sizing the renewable energy system based on domestic hot water consumption calculation, HVAC, and internal lighting in consistency with energy optimization criterion seven, Appraisals – 4 and 5.
Compliance – 3
- Submit calculations and simulations for on-site and off-site renewable energy generation potential.
Compliance – 4
- Submit technical specification sheets/brochures of the renewable energy system, highlighting the system performance (as per the standard test conditions).
- Submit a valid GRIHA Product Catalogue certificate as applicable for the systems and their components.
Compliance – 5
- Submit drawings (.dwg format) showing the location of renewable energy systems on-site.
Compliance – 6
- Submit purchase orders reflecting the full quantities of renewable energy systems installed on-site.
Compliance – 3
- Submit calculations and/or simulations for off-site renewable energy generation potential.
Compliance – 4
- Submit documents supporting off-site generation of energy through renewable energy systems.
- These may be RECs for at least 5 years along with a declaration that the RECs are not being used for any other obligatory requirements and will be purchased every year.
Compliance – 5
- Submit power purchase agreement from the utility for purchase of green power. In the agreement, the address of the particular site must be mentioned.
Each of these criteria is important to consider when evaluating the utilization of renewable energy sources, and their relative importance may vary depending on the specific situation.