If you want to know about the cinemas design or theory of proportion or residential space planning, please click the link.
Residential Building – A building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or more upper storeys.
Residential building guidelines can vary depending on the location, climate, and local building codes, but here are some general guidelines to consider:
1) The design processes
- Every design process is unique, and this generic step-by-step guide to the design process is indicative only.
- The number of steps varies depending on the complexity of the project and whether you’re building a new home, renovating or simply making a few small home improvements.
2) Preliminary research
This first step is explained in detail in Preliminary research, which covers:
- Examining your current home and lifestyle.
- Developing your design brief.
- Deciding your baseline budget.
- Exploring sources of professional advice for each stage of decision.
- Familiarizing yourself with the advice in this guide to inform your brief.
3) Choose your designer (Architects)
- Choosing the right designer for your project is arguably your most important step on the path to your new home.
- Please, be careful about registered Architects.
- Please check this link below for registered Architects
Online Directory of Architects
4) The design processes
- Designers usually coordinate a team of specialist consultants (e.g., Geo technical engineer, structural engineer, building sustainability assessor, sustainability consultant, interior designer and landscape designer).
- Obtain references for any nominated consultants to ensure they have the capacity to deliver consistent, professional results in your climate, region and local government area.
- You may want to delegate all of the design decisions for your home to the designer and consultants; you may want to be fully involved throughout the process.
- In either case, discuss your level of involvement with designers before appointing one.
- Levels of client involvement in the design process are a common source of disagreement between the parties.
- Choose a designer who is prepared to work the way you want to.
- The complex planning controls of many local governments can have far reaching impacts on your design solution and must be negotiated. Your designer should have a sound knowledge of these planning controls and a good working relationship with the local government authority. Otherwise, they should nominate an appropriately qualified consultant to negotiate council approval on your behalf.
5) Site analysis
Visit the site with your designer to do a ‘SWOT’ analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). This is your first opportunity to work with your designer to see if your objectives align. It can take the form of a paid consultation or can be part of the design contract outlined in the next step. On the site, consider:
- climate responsive design and site specific variables
- orientation
- cool breeze access
- solar access
- views
- overshadowing by landforms, trees and buildings (site survey)
- slope (site survey)
- soil type (geotechnical report)
- bushfires risks
- stormwater drainage
- access and transport
- services (power, gas, phone, water, sewer).
- Choosing a site has more information.
For more information about Site Analysis Please click link below. Advance Site Analysis
On completion of this initial consultation/site visit, have your designer value-add to your brief by identifying possible design solutions that capitalist on the site’s strengths and opportunities, and overcome its weaknesses (e.g. poor solar access) and threats (e.g., slipping soils, fire risk or flooding).
Analysis at this early stage of climatic influences can identify how your site’s micro climate might vary from the generic climate zones outlined in Your Home.
Compare your designer’s recommendations to those in Orientation, Passive heating and Passive cooling, and ask for clarification if you’re unsure.
6) Concept designs
- Designers often prepare several concept designs to communicate their thinking and allow you to assess them against your brief.
- They can range from a simple bubble diagram sketch on the back of an envelope, through to hand drawn concepts of form and spatial arrangements.
- Analyses them in light of the information in the Passive design articles that apply to your climate zone and raise any questions with your designer.
- Complete this analysis before finalizing your design and choice of construction system.
- Later solutions or changes may be expensive.
- Prepare your landscape design at this stage.
- Landscaping makes many critical contributions including shading the building or windows, diverting breezes, ensuring privacy, creating delight and saving water.
7) Final design
Make your final design and selection decisions of the following matters in light of advice from the relevant Your Home article:
- floor plan and building form
- construction systems
- window type, size and orientation
- shading solutions
- external finishes
- heating/cooling system
- major appliances
- water systems, e.g. rainwater tanks and water recycling
- landscape design
- interior design and finishes
This stage is often the greatest test of commitment, for both you and your designer, to achieving an environmentally sustainable home.
8) Council approval — Planning and/or construction certification
- Straightforward designs on sites that are not subject to stringent planning controls are commonly submitted to council for simultaneous planning and construction approval.
- For more information about how to be submitting the submission drawings and regulation of authority please click link below.
1) GROUP HOUSING (Flatted and cluster type) building byelaws in noida
2) Architectural Control in haryana
3) Coming Soon
9) Design detailing
In this stage, design and construction details are finalised and documented.
These documents typically include:
- working drawings (details of how the design is to be built)
- a specification of the materials, standards, finishes and products to be used
- rating
- engineering design and certification.
10) Design Consideration
- TIOLET – Click the link.
- KITCHEN – Click the link.
- STAIRCASE – Click the link.
Remember that building guidelines may vary depending on your location and local building codes, so it’s important to research and follow the specific regulations in your area.