If you want to know about the energy conservation building Code or about the GRIHA and function or about the green building, please click the link.

Sustainable site planning is a design approach that seeks to minimize the environmental impact of a development project while maximizing its social and economic benefits. This approach is based on the principles of sustainable development, which aim to balance environmental, social, and economic considerations in decision-making.

  • All sites in their native state sustain various ecological cycles.
  • Construction leads to disruption of various cycles as well as exert demand for resources such as energy, water, etc.
  • Such construction practices have a detrimental impact on the surroundings.
  • Therefore, site selection is the first step to a sustainable habitat and needs to be done appropriately, prior to commencement of the design phase.
  • Green areas are essential for our survival.
  • Trees and shrubs not only help in reducing the global greenhouse gases, they are also essential for providing clean air and water.
  • Urban green areas also help in maintaining the balance between the physical and psychological health of people while simultaneously improving social cohesion amongst the community.
  • Therefore, it becomes important that the project provides optimal green cover for its users.
  • Site selection and analysis should be carried out to create living spaces that are in harmony with the local environment.
  • Development of a project should not cause damage to the natural surrounding of the site but, in fact, try to improve it by restoring its balance.
  • Thus, site selection should be carried out in a holistic manner keeping in view the following aspects:
  1. Contextual design with respect to its surrounding built environment
  2. Preservation and enhancement of natural biodiversity
  3. Land utilization and development intensity
  4. Early-stage design optimization for resource efficiency
  5. Contribution to urban heat phenomenon

This section consists of three criteria as mentioned in Table ( Given below )


Green infrastructure criterion one

Low impact design criterion two

Design to mitigate UHIE criterion three

By considering these factors, sustainable site planning can help to create healthier and more livable communities while reducing the environmental impact of development.

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